Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who Do You Follow on Twitter?

I enjoyed reading about which Twitter accounts students follow, from athletes to actors to artists to... authors? I was very impressed! Anna talked about how Twitter allows her to combine her interests for young adult writers and social media. She can follow many people in both industries to stay informed on the newest apps/services/technologies and the latest releases in the publishing industry. Then there are others like Sophia who are still adjusting to the idea of letting down their digital guards. A common theme that I noticed throughout many of the blogs, including hers, was that students first began by only following friends or people with whom they are in close contact. The more they used Twitter, however, the more they branched out to follow politicians, celebrities, CEOs and other newsworthy people/organizations. Twitter's full potential is not realized until a user opens the conversation up to a vast majority of people.

After reading who everyone follows I actually went and followed a few of the ones mentioned! It really amazes me how connected Twitter keep all of us at all times. It gathers all of the information I need into one place and dictates my thoughts and behaviors. In the morning I check The Weather Channel news feed to help me pick out what I will wear that day. Later I check the specials of the menus offered at my favorite eateries in town to determine where I will eat lunch. Then at night I will keep tabs on all of my Real Housewives of New Jersey cast mates who are live-tweeting the episode so I can more easily decide whose side of the latest Jersey drama cat fight I am on. I can do all of this by scrolling down a single web page, a web page I have tailored to my personal interests. Sheer genius!

1 comment:

  1. And you don'y have to trust the media for news, you can hear it from all the horses mouths... If that makes sense... And form your own legitimate point of view on things that happen in the world... or The Real Housewives...
